Many people in the world try to test many templates in the world in order to reach either their audience or customer . As you know that template is one among of main key to make bloggers or site owners to reach huge number of people easily, that means template act as cloth of message or content to reach people targeted, as you know that always good cloth impress people to look as well looking beauty, so, if you choose good template will make many audience to reach your content because it will be impressed to them regardless the weight of message in your content.
Many people in the world create many template which is not enough to reach many audience which can be caused by coding error, slowness, or not professional to reach many people with different media. A template to be best must posses the following features;
a). Quality
b) Arrangement must be in proper way
c) Specific
d) Fast loading
e) Responsive
These are the best blogger templates' author 2016 according to their quality;
1. MKR dezign
He is the best number 1 blogger templates 2016. Many templates designed by this author already contain everything that all user and audience needed. He created many beautiful templates like Sevida, Purez, Apriezt and many more..... visit
Template features;
. Quality-----------best
. Coding skills-----better
. Loading-----------Very fast
. Layout..................Responsive
2. Sora
He designed many templates than above authors with many features, also he always upgrade his templates than any one. Many bloggers use his templates because is very beautiful to attract visitor to reach their blogs. He designed Jarid, deep view, sora mag, sports mag and many more.....visit
Template features
. Coding skills------better
3. Themexpose
He is among of best blogger templates designer. Theme expose author designed templates that is smooth and specific for many keywords such as games, magazine, and others. He designed best tempaltes such as powergame, Dens, blogus, wagazine .....visit
Template features;
. Quality------------best
. Coding skills------better
. Loading................faster
4. Arlina
He is not known like above author but he designed good templates like Simplify, N light, New line Nubie and many more....visit
Template features;
. Coding skills-------better
. Loading-------------Very fast
. Layout---------------Responsive